Dying Light 2 Stay Human is unlikely to be submitted-the sequel of the Polish Parkour-Exaccen about the zombie-apocalypse is among the first large releases of the coming year. The original, released seven years ago, managed to pleasantly surprise, so many were waiting for the second part, despite the fact that Techland They did not always go smoothly: you can recall several transfers of the release date, rumors about production chaos in the company, and after the termination of cooperation with Chris Abellon (Chris Avellone), which helped the studio in the work on the script and supported the narrative team, many have completely reasonable doubts in the quality of the product.

I will not try to create an unnecessary intrigue (all the same, the most attentive have already managed to notice the assessment) and I will say right away that the developers as a whole coped. Not without reservation: coincidence or not, but the weakest place in Stay Human it was the script – as opposed to a rare exciting game process.

The best city of the Earth

The plot of the continuation starts two decades after the events of the first part. The sad story of Harran has long been forgotten against the backdrop of the world’s tragedy-the zombie Virus covered the entire planet, and the remnants of mankind are huddled in a few surviving settlements, separated by thousands of kilometers. It is possible to maintain a weak connection between cities with the help of pilgrims – loners from among those who are not afraid to go on the road, without even knowing for sure whether the purpose of his travels turned into another nest of infected.

One of these wanderers, Aiden Koldwell, enters the city of Villedor, in which, despite the infection of the bulk of the population with a zombie virus, civilization has been preserved. Our hero is not just leading an adventure road – he is trying to find his sister Mia, with whom he was separated many years ago, as a child.

Villedoru, however, does not care about Aiden’s problems. The city lives an independent life in which their dramas are enough: the usual survivors are trying to make contact with the peacekeepers – a military organization, seeking a firm hand to maintain order, and on the outskirts at that time they raise their heads, which are a grouping of bloodthirsty, but well -organized thugs under the leadership of the commanderWith the speaking nickname butcher.

It is easy to notice that the continuation scenario largely copies the first part, up to the smallest detail like getting a zombie bite at the beginning of the story (here, however, it will have somewhat other consequences). Again, one of the lightest ways to get acquainted with the plot is the main character who came from the outside, begins to study the world with the player. Well, at least without amnesia, they did.

However, it is really interesting to explore the city: since we have talked about the similarity with the first part, I note that Villedor is not only noticeably larger than Harran, but also much more saturated in terms of content. Each district of the city has a unique look, and a huge number of random events, side quests, secondary things and remarkable places leads to the fact that, having gone to the fulfillment of the next plot mission, you can come to your senses a couple of hours after the purpose of the task with a fairly expanded margin of completed “side effects” – an effect familiar to many by Red Dead Redemption 2 .

And the city is changing. And it does not just change, but with our help. In addition to the changes that are laid according to the plot, the player can influence the alignment of forces in Villedor at his discretion. After the first third of the campaign, when access to the central district of the metropolis opens, Aiden put before the choice every time he returns the object useful for the population – a windmill, power station or water tower. The question is simple: which fraction to give the construction – survivors or peacekeepers?

The central district of the city is built up with multi -storey buildings. Each will have something interesting, but it will not be easy to get into some-in some cases, pumped equipment and completely open Parru skills will be required.

Here, not just the card is painted over by one or another color and the outpost of one of the groups is placed on the new object – the entire area also changes. The military install new zombies and stationary guns on the streets, and civilians begin to develop a transport network, leaving objects in convenient places for a faster movement.

Players with a different approach to gameplay-someone likes to park, and someone will be completely different versions of the city. Wait for more global differences affecting the entire villedor areas, depending on the decisions made at the key points of the plot.

The choice matters

This phrase, which has become one of the slogans of the project, is not lying. The choice is really important: it affects the life of the protagonist and the development of the city. We checked this with Ivan Loev, which makes a video review: they acted differently and found out that the case is not limited to several options for the final video telling how it ended (although it is)-the differences were manifested throughout the campaign, up to completely different plot missions and the lack of whole locations. As a result, everyone got a unique story of Aiden and a completely different Villedor after its completion.

Anticipating the expected questions regarding the cooperative, I will answer in advance that it was not possible to try out the network game – before the release, this possibility is disabled.

About each similar fork (the choice almost always occurs during a dialogue), the game carefully warns and gives time to think. In advertising materials, such an impact of choice on the plot and on the world, of course, looked much more tempting, but also what happened leaves interest in repeated passage. I would like to look at the events in the city on the other side.

There is an opportunity to choose in side quests. Remember that the consequences of the solution can be very unpredictable.

However, this is the way for strong in spirit – the game makes the preservation automatically, re -painting the previous one, so “sit up” before the fork, and then check “what if if if. »WILL NOW. The only way is the “New Game”, where a protracted prologue will have to go through, to study the basics of battle and Parskur from scratch, left without all the arsenal of equipment and pumped skills. It is also good that after the final mission we are allowed to return to Villedor and do anything there – from the end of the remaining side quests to the study of locations and battles with zombies and gangs for fun for the sake.

Beat and run

A separate conversation suggests about fights and parkour, but it is unlikely to be interesting to those who are familiar with the first part. Intuitive (after a short training) character control and a combat system tied to close combat with cold weapons allowed to have fun even during battles with ordinary opponents. Parkourk gave a feeling of freedom, and the designers did not forget to create a call to the location to the player – it was difficult and interesting to study Harran.

The weapon can be modified, after which it begins to beat with electric shock or burned with fire. And the developers also significantly increased its strength compared to the first part – the player will rather find a club or a machete better than the existing.

In the sequel, they did not radically change what worked so well, focusing on improving the foundation almost impeccable in this regard. Of the noticeable changes, it is worth noting only a complete rejection of the firearm: now we are giving up with a variety of cold weapons, and you can shoot only from bows and crossbows. There are no cars and large open locations that appeared in the original with the release of DLC The Following .

On my hardware (AMD Ryzen 7 2700, 32 GB of RAM, GeForce 1070 Ti) using default graphic settings DL2 I earned without any problems. The picture turned out to be quite worthy, but with the vertical synchronization on, the FPS meter firmly stood on 30. Not fatal, but you can’t call such a gameplay comfortable, given the requirements for reaction during fights and parkour. Without V-Sync, nothing limited the operation of the graphic processor, but the frame rate began to swim hard, then jumping to heaven, then falling-depending on the load of the scene. I didn’t really want to test my video card for strength in our difficult time, so for the constant 60 FPS I had to use Apskail: the picture gets somewhat worse (this is especially noticeable at large distances), but the game goes smoothly and does not load the video card too much, which is inmy case turned out to be the narrowest place.

In general, of the technical problems, I can only recall the lack of facial animation in some dialogs (but this should most likely be corrected in the patches of the first day) – the rest of the game worked almost flawlessly, and screenshots in this article cannot be called a measure of the quality of the graphics.

Opponents are not boys even at a standard level of complexity, but the battles are clearly divided by style depending on who Aiden fights and at what time of day. If the infected are taken in number, a margin of health and are able to arrange a real pursuit at night, then people are a few, but a more intelligent rival. Evasion, blocks, calling reinforcements, attack from several sides – this modest set is enough to feel in good shape in every battle.

Those wishing to test your forces in extreme conditions can go to the area for a level or two higher than that of the character-there is much more dangerous, but the reward for the risk is greater. But in the darkness, Villedor is far from as terrible as the night Harran, despite the presence of the so-called “night activity” related to the search for valuable loot among sleeping infected or battles with mini-bosses. And in general, there is almost nothing left of the horror-component in the second part-even if the pursuit of the crowd of the dead began at night, then it is not at all difficult to run to the nearest refuge, and the number of plot scenes, where the player is trying to scare, can be counted on the fingers.

It’s enough to say about the parkour that he is still beautiful as in the first Dying Light. If you do not take into account purely fantastic counterparts like a model of movement from Ghostrunner, then we are probably the best implementation in the first -person games of the main principle of Parru – any obstacle can be overcome. The same is true for the combat system. These components of the gameplay are made in conscience – the character moves beautifully and almost always realistic, it is convenient to control it, and the gradual pumping constantly adds fresh opportunities, thanks to which you can get to the previously inaccessible seats and use new tactics in battle. What else is needed for happiness?

Boring fairy tale

The question, in fact, is far from idle. DL2 -A good game, but it could become many times better if the developers managed to come up with a truly interesting plot. Their efforts are noticeable, but all attempts to tell fascinatingly about Aiden’s life spilled into a complete cliche story that does not really develop, and the finale is crumpled and does not touch the soul at all.

It’s funny that Villedor looks much the best candidate for the role of the protagonist than Eiden. The city lives its life, changes depending on our solutions, and side quests and random meetings are often noticeably more interesting than the main tasks. You worry about the fate of Villedor, but the path of our Pilgrim almost does not cause emotions – in the final video I was noticeably more interested in the further life of the city than the consequences of events for Aiden and his friends.

Impromptu theater on the roof – you can even see the performance. Similar places marked with a special badge allow you to better feel the life of the city.

This is a consequence of another problem – the lack of charismatic characters. Almost every participant in the main plot is a walking stereotype: a crazy inventor, a dull soldier, an unprincipled lover of a beautiful life, harsh outside, but soft in the soul of a “kid” … Not only are the characters not really spelled out – the heroes disappear from the story so quickly that to towith him with all the desire you do not have time to get attached. Loan, ally and (seemingly) romantic interest to Aiden, generally looks like a miserable likeness of Pan Palmer from Cyberpunk 2077 – up to the inept copy of the whole scenes with a beautiful nomad.

Very subjective opinion: I am not enthusiastic about the localization of the game into Russian. From a technical point of view, everything is fine: it is noticeable that the work has been done huge – everything was translated, up to such trifles as coughing or Krykhtenya Aiden, climbing a particularly complex wall. There is even a mat, designed to add sharpness to dialogs. But this does not save – the votes in the Russian voice acting are fresh and do not always correspond to the appearance and behavior of the characters. In a word, a standard translation, despite the loud promises of localizers.

Unlike side quests and the development of the city’s life, the story of the protagonist is a viscous quagmire. The main quests are sometimes unjustified: slowly moving the plot to the denouement, as if they are made to increase the timing. A genuine interest in what was happening with Aiden I had a few times for all the passage – there is little criminal for the game that wants to captivate not only gameplay, but also the plot.

The dwelling of the girl, the main character of one of the side quests. Evaluate the design – such a detailed approach to the design of locations here is in the order of things.

Maybe, in fact, it is precisely the breakdown of relations with Chris Abellon Happed so much to the plot? We are unlikely to learn the answer, but the fact remains: DL2 is not able to tell an exciting story, but it is almost impossible to find fault with the gaming process. It is good that you can return to Villedor after the completion of the campaign – you can spend a lot of hours on the study of all the nooks and the horned places of the city.

The developers plan to develop the project for a long time, and, recalling simply exemplary support of the first part, these promises should be believed. The very concept of the game-service, where the plot is on the second roles, for DL2 Suitable, given the absence of problems with the parkor, battles and the study of locations. Do not forget about multiplayer – many call the first part one of the best options for cooperative games.

U Techland It turned out an almost perfect continuation – if you like the original, then Stay Human It is impossible to miss in any case. Yes, and everyone else can sincerely advise Dying Light 2 – if you do not expect much from the plot, then the study of a huge city can be carried away in earnest.

Pros: The appearance of the city changing from the player’s decisions;combat system;parkour;convenient management;Side quests and other classes.

Cons: a weak plot without charismatic characters;a sluggish pace of the narrative;An uncomfortable conservation system.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human

The best comments

It seems to me it was strange to expect a great plot from the game, after the fact that when developing the game, two scriptwriters went away at once.
At first, Chris Abellon left the development, then Pavel Selinger also left the studio in principle.

And here you can’t turn on the English voice acting, leaving Russian subtitles.

The blow below the belt.

Karoche to optimize as it is now fashionable, a little bolt got a little

Justice and example for the sake of 1070ti (the difference with the usual is small) confidently goes to me at high 60 FPS with all post -cuttings except RTX, and it (cyberpunk), it seems much more technological. I had just the i7-3770 processor in Cyberpanka, I was a narrow neck, and the card was not even particularly strained, the situation is the back of the review. In addition, the author mentioned that productivity swims, and in the process of optimization it is precisely identified and “facilitated” especially loaded places with the help of all kinds of technical tricks. I am by no means a specialist, but it seems more that optimization is so -so. And the processor in the system requirements is the same from a minimum of 1080 rubles to a maximum of 4K, this is strange, and speaks in favor of my words and words a friendly one, such as optimized at one percent, did not steam.

For Apskail and far from maximum chart settings, he wrote about this. If iron allows, then the picture is more than decent.

The author of the review 1070 Card 2016. It would be strange that the game in 2022 will fly on the map of the already before last generation.

Now I’m recruiting the first part and … it is quite cool and by today’s standards, but it is clear why the second part “facilitated” some points, especially in the fighting. There is quite a lot of severity and inertia in the fighting of the first part, which on the one hand really makes the beating of zombies more juicy, but on the other, this severity contrasts quite strongly with the elegant parkor. Plus, a lot of combat techniques and animations as a whole suffer from slowness and a very rigidly sharpened camera, which looks beautiful from the outside, but damn it, when you try to counterattack the enemy and do not even understand the first half a second, whether the capture was squeezed or, on the contrary, the bites will captureNow you.

only quality on Uttube what? 1080? YouTube is practically unable to transfer graphonia.

And after the cessation of cooperation with Chris Avellone, who helped the studio in the work on the script and supported the narrative team, many have completely reasonable doubts in the quality of the product.

If I am not mistaken, Chris Abellon was not engaged in the script, but wrote draft options for side stories.

so even on PS5 where is the game in 4K, what APSCAL?

In 4k, like the picture is good, but in 60fps mode disaster.
I didn’t test it myself, they say.

On a PC still Denov can prevent it from playing normally

For me, a passage. Animations are torn, the city is large, but boring, felt by plastic. 99% of quests wretchedly clicked – go there, bring it, then go there, then there and so the whole game.

I went to DL2 – well, the middle peasant is definitely.

In the city in the first half – the designers just rested. In the first part, I still remember the difference between locations by the sea, private development, station, etc. Here – shit one -faced gray mass of streets.

Well, the plot … plot. If in the same cyberpanka I only put 4 for the plot, although with all the jambs – a clear 3, then here – well, constantly even without you in the rollers – and you are again permanent in shit. How it enraged from the 1st part – finally nothing has changed.And the choice is from shit and shit))

Well, the artificial delay in the game – the inability to walk at night – you constantly need to resort to the light or use the stimulars (and they are worth the grandmas – again farm), some infected areas – again other stams to be there longer, etc. Your mum, but you can’t like in that part of the Special Current – there will be fucked styles and a mustache

And yes, and it is not profitable to fight with random gangs. And why – earlier in DL1 give Lule to the bandit – from him either armor or weapon, what thread and fall. And here is horseradish. They panel with the Holy Spirit and go in it. Killed, the corpse of shmonal – and there is only any crap for sale cheap or nothing at all. And it turns out that it is finally not to earn money – only mainly moronic side effects.

About the variety of side effects … I’ll say so. The city is just as dead as in Cyberpan. Everything is nailed to their places – the Poles studied from each other immediately. There are no traveling caravans, bandits, there are no moving monsters groups (hello to my beloved Dus Gona). Animals – not at all. The poke is again nailed to the place with a rand – but the world does not live without a player from a word at all.

Yes, and by the variety of fights. On all enemies that on the roofs – one reception, jump from the leg – the enemy flew like a football ball. A bloom of IMBA, there is no block against him and kills – at once (and the car saves time, like the shooting). That’s the whole cool fight. At night during the pursuit – filling up a powerful jump is almost unrealistic (it is more true – rather real, but so much will spend the residents on this pointless business – it is easier to die and replay). If in the first part of the firearm just used for this (when there is nothing to lose to stop the relics)- there is nothing similar.

But even optimization … The current of the current on the average FHD got 50-60 frames. And this is on the old mammoth to the engine. This is what a denuvik and crooked hands do it.

Finally got a good open world again, where the world is part of the game, and not just a space for the signs of the question.

Stumbled upon comparison with the first part.
Something the second part is mildly not impressive at all. The first in places looks more detailed and high -quality.

Here is a video in 4K and still the quality of UG

Why in screenshots such a terrible soap? Moreover, in other reviews, even worse, in my opinion, although they played there on PS5.

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